Firefly Holiday Exhibit

interior of the Firefly Coffee House in Oregon WI

Firefly Exhibit Application

Each year, 14 South Artists, sponsors a holiday art show at the Firefly Coffeehouse in Oregon during the months of November and December. This show is open to all juried 14 South Artists. If you’re interested in participating, please complete this application.

If you are an associate member and wish to participate, you must contact Narra Smith Cox ASAP ( and indicate that you intend to participate in the early fall jury event. At the time of the event, you must be a juried artist.

Note: This year there will be no fee for applications to this event. Instead, as part of our Nov. 1 20th Anniversary Celebration, to be held from 5:30-7:30 at the Firefly Coffeehouse, we will be promoting a special 10% of all art sales during this day of the event only. If you apply to the exhibit you are also agreeing to participate in this one-night only “sale.” On this night, we will process all sales using our OAC Square AND we will not charge sales tax or collect a commission. We will process all sales and issue a check from the OAC account on or before November 10th.

Due date for applications October 1, 2023.
Space is limited, so apply ASAP. Only completed applications will be reviewed.

Set up will be on October 28th at 11:30-2:30. Take down is planned on or about December 30. If you are not able to set up on Oct. 28th it is your responsibility to find someone that can deliver and set up your art. Alternate dates/times will not available due to the Firefly’s open business hours.

Artist Information


Studio Information

Studio information as you want it published on the 14 South website, posters, and promotional materials.

Art Information

Please indicate your primary art medium.(Required)
Is your medium 2D, 3D, or both?(Required)

Image Uploads for Promotion

Images should be between 1024 to 2048 pixels on the longest edge. Each image should be in .jpg format and labeled individually. Label each file as detailed below. Please provide at least three images.

Upload 1 image of work that you plan to exhibit in the show.

Max. file size: 512 MB.
Label your image lastname-firstname-image01.jpg. (i.e. Doe-Jane-image01.jpg)


Confirm you're a juried member.(Required)

Please note that it will take a little time for your images to upload before you are redirected.

You will receive a confirmation upon successful receipt of this application.
(If you don't receive an email please check your spam/junk filter and promotions folders.)

If there are any errors, you will be returned to the application and errors will be highlighted in red.